On Monday morning just after 9:00 a.m. a man in his 40s who lives in a long-term medical care facility for those with pre-existing medical conditions in Neve Michael, was eating his breakfast together with the assistance of a staff member, when he suffered an epileptic seizure, was unable to breathe, and lost consciousness. The medical staff of the care facility initiated CPR while calling emergency services for help.

United Hatzalah volunteer paramedic Ben Argaman, who lives in the town was alerted to the emergency, as was Chapter Head of United Hatzalah’s Gush Etzion Chapter EMT Danny Gur, who was driving home after a meeting and was on Highway 367 nearby.
Argaman and Gur both rushed to the scene and arrived a the same time. They joined the medical team’s efforts and continued CPR. A defibrillator was attached that did not advise a shock. Together the team performed chest compressions, provided assisted ventilation, and administered medication including two shots of epinephrine. Argaman assisted in intubating the patient to allow him to breathe more easily. The mobile intensive care ambulance arrived and joined the team’s effort as did other volunteers from United Hatzalah. Ten minutes after Argaman and Gur arrived the man’s pulse returned and he was transported to the hospital where he was sedated and placed on a respirator, but alive and now having the chance to recover.
“I’ve been working in the field for 20 years,” said Argaman, “so I’m familiar with both unsuccessful and successful CPRs. While I don’t get extremely excited about them any longer it is always a good thing to participate in a successful CPR and I am always thankful to have the opportunity to help someone and give them another chance at life. This was certainly a good thing that happened today and I am happy to have been a part of it.”

Gur added, “While I don’t know what will happen to this man in the future, I know that we gave him the best shot at survival that we could. Knowing that he was transported with a pulse means that we did our job and now it is up to the next level of care, and G-d. We did our part and I am proud of that.”
To support the lifesaving work of United Hatzalah volunteers such as Ben and Danny, please click here: