
Shabbat Packages for Israel’s Amazing Volunteer Force

Message aux sponsors

Dear Friends and Partners, United Hatzalah's 7,000 volunteers have been working non-stop since the outbreak of the war in Israel on October 7, 2023. While many generous organizations are caring for Israel's soldiers and evacuated citizens, fewer are focusing on the wellbeing of the first responders who have been caring for the wounded, frightened, and traumatized. United Hatzalah's 7,000 volunteers are on the frontlines of Iron Swords, whether they are saving lives in the south, responding to missile attacks throughout the country, or continuing their routine emergency calls - attending to births, heart attacks, car accidents, and other needs of the civilian population . To express how much we care for them, we wish to send a special Shabbat package to the brave volunteers of United Hatzalah. We want to show them our gratitude and appreciation, especially as many volunteers and their families are experiencing personal difficulties. Some volunteers are doing extended shifts in the South; some have been called into IDF reserve duty; some have been evacuated from their homes and are scattered throughout the country; and some have experienced loss. Even so, they continue to go on emergency calls, giving of themselves, to save lives in tragic times. Please open your hearts and join us in sending a special package for Shabbat, delivered to the doorstep of our heroic volunteers. Thank you!

נשמח מאד לחלק לכל הכוננים של איחוד הצלה, הלוחמים בחזית ובעורף למען הצלת חיים מסביב לשעון, ערכה יפה עבור פועלם למען אזרחי מדינת ישראל.
המתנדבים היקרים נותנים מענה בכל ערי הארץ, גם באירועי שגרה וגם באירועי חירום. ונשמח שיקבלו על כך הערכה, כרגע רוב התרומות מגיעות לחיילים, שזה נהדר ומבורך. אבל אין ספק שגם לכונני איחוד הצלה מגיעה הערכה. נשמח מאד לעזרתם על מנת לשמח את המתנדבים ובני משפחותיהם שעוברים חוויות לא פשוטות! חלקם אף ממש בחזית הלחימה, וחלקם מפונים מהבתים ופזורים ברחבי הארץ וגם שם... כמובן נותנים מענה...

3 donateurs

$ 18 Anonyme donated $18
1 year ago
$ 180 SARA Nir donated $180
1 year ago
$ 42 Anonyme donated $42
Thank you so much for all you do !! May Hashem keep you all safe and sound !!
1 year ago

About United Hatzalah of Israel

United Hatzalah of Israel is the largest independent, non-profit, fully volunteer Emergency Medical Service organization that provides the fastest and free emergency medical first response throughout Israel. United Hatzalah’s service is available to all people regardless of race, religion, or national origin. United Hatzalah has more than 8,000 volunteers around the country, available around the clock – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. With the help of our unique GPS technology and our iconic ambucycles, our average response time is less than 3 minutes across the country and 90 seconds in metropolitan areas. Our mission is to arrive at the scene of medical emergencies as soon as possible and provide the patient with professional and appropriate medical aid until an ambulance arrives, resulting in many more lives saved.

Available 24/7

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Contact us

United Hatzalah of Israel
78 Yirmiyahu Street
P.O.B 36233 Jerusalem 91361
Tel: +972-2-5002020
Fax: +972-2-5002025
Charity No: 580465979
[email protected]


Friends of United Hatzalah
442 5th Ave, Suite 1866
New York, NY 10018
Tel: 646-833-7108
Fax: 1-845-766-6039
Charity No: 11-3533002
[email protected]


British Friends
of United Hatzalah Israel
Suite 12 – The Brentano Suite
First Floor, Lyttelton House
2 Lyttelton Road, London, N2 0EF
Office: 020 3823 4650
Mobile: 07809 467 933
Charity No. 1101329
[email protected]


United Hatzalah France
259 rue Saint-Honoré
75001 Paris
T (FR): +33 1 86 98 53 49
T (IL): +972 54 674 3209
Association no. W751225617
[email protected]


United Hatzalah Canada
Suite #693
3093 Bathurst Street
Toronto, Ontario
M6A 0A3
T: (647) 533 4497
Rachel Haar | Canada Director
[email protected]
Charity ID 83825 5180 RR0001

United Hatzalah’s latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, from our organization directly at Friends of United Hatzalah, 442 5th Ave, Suite 1866, New York, NY 10018 or from the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau at Charities Bureau, 28 Liberty Street, 15th Floor, New York, New York 10005.

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