Help turn death into life
Message aux sponsors
Please help to sponsor a special day of lifesaving with United Hatzalah, which will take place on 7 October 2024 – the anniversary of the loss of so many innocent lives. The usual donation, to cover the running costs of United Hatzalah for that day, is UK £15000. Instead, we would like to raise a minimum of 1300 separate donations, approximately one for each of the souls whose lives were cut short on 7 October. The minimum suggested donation is therefore just £12 – but there is no maximum and we hope to raise well in excess – please be generous and please share this campaign with friends so that we can reach our target. Please also ensure we have your mobile phone contact details so that we can include you in updates on the day of lifesaving itself. שלום על ישראל.
51 donateurs

About United Hatzalah of Israel
United Hatzalah of Israel is the largest independent, non-profit, fully volunteer Emergency Medical Service organization that provides the fastest and free emergency medical first response throughout Israel. United Hatzalah’s service is available to all people regardless of race, religion, or national origin. United Hatzalah has more than 8,000 volunteers around the country, available around the clock – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. With the help of our unique GPS technology and our iconic ambucycles, our average response time is less than 3 minutes across the country and 90 seconds in metropolitan areas. Our mission is to arrive at the scene of medical emergencies as soon as possible and provide the patient with professional and appropriate medical aid until an ambulance arrives, resulting in many more lives saved.