
Lifesaving All Terrain SUV for Metzad

Message to sponsors

Extreme conditions require extreme equipment!

We are a small Chareidi Yishuv called Metzad located on the edge of the Judean desert in the south-eastern “corner” of Gush Etzyon. Metzad is a stronghold of vibrant Jewish life in an enclave that is almost completely surrounded by hostile Arab villages. One of the things we discovered with the outbreak of the current war, is that not only do we have a need for first responders in the Yishuv itself, but also in the surrounding wadis and hills of the Yishuv. Unfortunately, on a number of occasions terrorists attempted to attack the Yishuv and various outposts around it, by taking advantage of the rugged and mountainous terrain in the area. On top of the unique security challenges this presents us with, it also makes it very difficult and almost impossible at times, for local first-responder’s to reach the scene of an attack within a short period of time. At a certain point it became clear to us, that we need to get a hold of a serious SUV fully equipped with the necessary medical equipment, in order to help save lives and treat injured people in any location. After researching our options, it appears that the Toyota Land Cruiser is best suited for our needs and the terrain in our area. Obviously such a vehicle along with the proper medical equipment is not cheap, but we figured we would try our best and hence the reason for the campaign we have launched.

Any donation you are able to make is greatly appreciated and is a part of saving lives and strengthening the Jewish presence in this unique and highly strategic location.

Thank you and may Hashem bless you with health and success for many years to come.

2 donors

185 Anonymous donated ₪184.50
8 months ago
180 Anonymous donated ₪180
8 months ago

About United Hatzalah of Israel

United Hatzalah of Israel is the largest independent, non-profit, fully volunteer Emergency Medical Service organization that provides the fastest and free emergency medical first response throughout Israel. United Hatzalah’s service is available to all people regardless of race, religion, or national origin. United Hatzalah has more than 8,000 volunteers around the country, available around the clock – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. With the help of our unique GPS technology and our iconic ambucycles, our average response time is less than 3 minutes across the country and 90 seconds in metropolitan areas. Our mission is to arrive at the scene of medical emergencies as soon as possible and provide the patient with professional and appropriate medical aid until an ambulance arrives, resulting in many more lives saved.

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of $250K goal