Help us
save lives

Our humanitarian services are free, universal and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

When seconds count…

United Hatzalah is there.

When emergencies occur, rapid medical treatment increases chances of survival exponentially. Using specially equipped motorcycle ambulances, United Hatzalah’s network of more than 8,000 volunteer medics help save thousands of lives each year across Israel by providing medical treatment in an average response time of 3 minutes or less.

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Seconds Response Goal

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Active Volunteers

Events & Campaigns

Ways To Give

Here’s how you can take action today:

Sponsor a day of lifesaving

A special way to honor or memorialize a loved one or special milestone.

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Become a Volunteer

Join our network to any of our 95 branches throughout Israel and add meaning to your life.

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United Hatzalah eCards are a great way to send love and thoughtfulness directly to an email address and save lives!

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Legacy Giving

Shape your legacy and join us in ensuring United Hatzalah is here to serve all the people of Israel for generations to come.


Whether your Bar/Bat Mitzvah is coming up or you simply want to do something right now to help save lives in Israel – MyMitzvah is for you!

Create your page and start raising money for United Hatzalah volunteer medics in Israel.


Women’s Initiative

Day of Lifesaving

Our CSR Model

Families First

Ten Kavod

Family Safety Course


NCSY Hatzalah Program

The Emergency Medicine Medics Project

Smart Giving

womens initiative

Women’s Initiative

The Women’s Initiative of United Hatzalah unites women all over the world under our shared goal of saving lives in Israel by raising funds to support the training and equipment of female medics.


Day of Lifesaving

Responding to 2,000 emergencies each day requires a huge supply of medical supplies, advanced technology and communications equipment.

CSR mode

Our CSR Model

Our Corporate Social Responsibility Model is a project that offers big companies to do medic courses for their employees.

family first

Families First

Families First is a program aimed at providing the spouses of EMS volunteers with a social network in which they can find camaraderie, support, and share stories and challenges with fellow spouses of EMS volunteers.

ten kavod

Ten Kavod

The Ten Kavod Program was designed to provide regular medical checkups to elderly individuals living alone, focusing especially on Holocaust survivors.

family safety course

Safety Family Course

United Hatzalah offers a Family Safety course, so that every parent, grandparent, teacher, and babysitter can be prepared to act swiftly and competently in the event of a medical crisis.

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The Psychotrauma & Crisis Response Unit addresses the emotional needs of family members, witnesses and bystanders during and after traumatic situations.

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NCSY Hatzalah Program

Have the experience of a lifetime on the NCSY’s EMT training summer program, Hatzalah Rescue. Hatzalah Rescue is a co-ed travel program for teens looking to learn CPR, hemorrhage control, and how to be a first responder.

Emergency Medicine

The Emergency Medicine Medics Project

United Hatzalah’s Hospital Emergency Room (ER) Project was launched in response to the situation in Israel’s increasingly overburdened and under-staffed emergency rooms, causing long delays that negatively impact patient treatment.

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Smart Giving

United Hatzalah is signed up for a “Round-Up” credit card program (Iggul Hatova) that enables individuals to donate a percent of their spendings automatically through their Israeli credit card.

Our partners

Available 24/7

Subscribe to our newsletter
Contact us

United Hatzalah of Israel
78 Yirmiyahu Street
P.O.B 36233 Jerusalem 91361
Tel: +972-2-5002020
Fax: +972-2-5002025
Charity No: 580465979
[email protected]


Friends of United Hatzalah
442 5th Ave, Suite 1866

New York, NY 10018
Tel: 646-833-7108
Fax: 1-845-766-6039
Charity No: 11-3533002
[email protected]
Privacy Policy
For check donations please mail to PO Box 24666 New York, NY 10087


British Friends
of United Hatzalah Israel
Suite 12 – The Brentano Suite
First Floor, Lyttelton House
2 Lyttelton Road, London, N2 0EF
Office: 020 3823 4650
Charity No. 1101329
[email protected]
Privacy Policy


United Hatzalah France
259 rue Saint-Honore
75001 Paris
T (FR): +33 1 86 98 53 49
T (IL): +972 54 674 3209
Association no. W751225617
[email protected]


United Hatzalah Canada
Suite #693
3093 Bathurst Street
Toronto, Ontario
M6A 0A3
T: (647) 533 4497
Charity ID 83825 5180 RR0001

[email protected]


Australian Friends of United Hatzalah of Israel
PO Box 70053093
Glen Iris, Victoria 3146
T: +61456812859
ABN 79 595 289 716

[email protected]

United Hatzalah’s latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, from our organization directly at Friends of United Hatzalah, 442 5th Avenue, Suite 1886, New York, NY 10018 or from the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau at Charities Bureau, 28 Liberty Street, 15th Floor, New York, New York 10005.

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