Contact us
We are always happy to hear feedback or be in contact. Please write to us here and someone will get back to you soon.

For media inquiries contact: [email protected]
“*” indicates required fields
United Hatzalah of Israel
78 Yirmiyahu Street
P.O.B 36233 Jerusalem 91361
Tel: +972-2-5002020
Fax: +972-2-5002025
Charity No: 580465979
[email protected]

Supporting Organizations
All supporting organizations are independent entities and operate according to the tax laws of their country.
These organizations fund United Hatzalah based upon grant applications submitted to them and are decided upon by each respective Board of Directors of such organizations.
Friends of United Hatzalah
442 5th Ave, Suite 1866
New York, NY 10018
Tel: 646-833-7108
Fax: 1-845-766-6039
Tax ID No: 11-3533002
[email protected]
British Friends
of United Hatzalah Israel
Suite 12 – The Brentano Suite
First Floor, Lyttelton House
2 Lyttelton Road, London, N2 0EF
Office: 020 3823 4650
Charity No. 1101329
[email protected]
United Hatzalah France
259 rue Saint-Honoré
75001 Paris
T (FR): +33 1 86 98 53 49
T (IL): +972 54 674 3209
Association : W751225617
[email protected]
United Hatzalah Canada
Suite 693
3093 Bathurst Street
Toronto, Ontario
M6A 2A3
T: (647) 533 4497
Charity ID 83825 5180 RR0001
[email protected]
United Hatzalah Australia
PO Box 7005
Glen Iris, Victoria 3146
T: +61 456-812-859
ABN: 79595289716