United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Kayla Zur resides in Jerusalem and is one of the organization’s electric bicycle or E-Bike drivers.
A few weeks ago, a 70-year-old taxi driver with two passengers in his vehicle suffered a heart attack and lost consciousness while driving. The taxi had been traveling down King David Street in Jerusalem when the attack occurred, causing the vehicle to run over traffic posts and ride up onto the sidewalk.

At nearby Independence Park, a group of approximately 80 United Hatzalah medics, including Kayla, were enjoying a day of team building when suddenly their radios came alive with the urgent alert from United Hatzalah dispatch. Immediately, Kayla raced to her E-Bike and sped to the scene, along with a number of other medics including a United Hatzalah doctor.
A passing nurse who witnessed the accident had already pulled the taxi driver from his vehicle and initiated CPR. Kayla and her colleagues jumped in to assist, fighting valiantly to save the man. Chest compressions assisted ventilation and heart-saving medications via an IV were all provided in quick succession, finally resulting in the return of a viable pulse. The man was then rushed to the cath lab in critical but stable condition.
The two British tourists who had been passengers in the taxi at the time of the incident were quite distressed and were treated by two United Hatzalah Psychotrauma volunteers.
Kayla was not only able to arrive at the scene of the accident in record time but began expertly treating the driver together with other EMS volunteers from the organization.