For the second consecutive year, United Hatzalah of Israel will be offering a hybrid Israeli and United States emergency first responder training course. The course, which is set to begin on October 14th with an orientation class, will allow participants to become certified EMTs in both Israel and most of the United States.

The course is being taught by United Hatzalah but is recognized by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) which certifies EMTs across the United State and whose accreditation is used by 46 states out of 50 as a basis for licensure. United Hatzalah is Israel’s official training partner of the NREMT.
“We are making the effort to reach out to the English speaking population in Israel who often travel to the U.S. as well as students studying in Israel for their gap year. Many of these people want to get involved and save lives so we came up with this training course that will certify them in both countries allowing them to save lives no matter where they are,” said President and Founder Eli Beer.
The course will be given in English. It is comprised of in-class training, as mandated by Israel’s Health Ministry, and includes extra components online that comply with the NREMT training. The in-class training will be conducted at United Hatzalah’s headquarters in Jerusalem.
Last year, the organization held three such courses and graduated more than 60 students, some of whom went on to save lives as first responders in both countries.
“I’ve gone on dozens of emergency calls as well as ambulance shifts in Israel and I can say that it has been an experience that changed me and how I live my life,” said Yonaton Atkin, one of the graduates of the course from last year. “Throughout my life, I have always wanted to help others, now, whether I am at home, in the office, or even abroad visiting family and friends in the United States, I can help others as a first responder. That is something that is important to me and has helped me make a difference in my own community in Israel and in the U.S.”
Another volunteer, Coral Sellouk graduated the course last May and within two weeks had saved the lives of two people, one in Rehovot and the other in her hometown of West Hollywood, California.
“Training to become an EMT has been a positive change for me,” said Sellouk. “Not only have I learned to gauge my surroundings in a different way and notice things that I never did before, but I have also managed to raise my awareness in a way that enables me to help people. It is because of this training that I was able to save two lives since my graduation. That is not something that I ever expected to do,” she added.
The NREMT course is set to begin with a mandatory orientation on October 14th in Jerusalem. It is open to both Men and Women from age 17 and up. For more information regarding the course or to register please contact [email protected]
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