On Monday, September 23rd,  United Hatzalah of Israel brought the cast of Shtisel to the Greater Detroit community at a special event aimed at raising awareness about the organization  ​and how our innovative rapid response to those in need saves more Israeli lives.
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The event inat Congregation Shaarey Zedek in Southfield
The evening included a screening of NAS Daily’s video about United Hatzalah, Israel’s largest all-volunteer first response service that is completely free of charge.
The presentation wowed the audience, who were enthralled to learn that the work of the organization spans the entire country and is free of charge to anyone, no matter what race, religion or background.
The cast of Shtisel and United Hatzalah brought together over 450 people at  Congregation Shaarey Zedek in Southfield.  The evening featured moderators Joel Kahn M.D. and  Mimi Markofsky – Detroit’s own who runs the Shtisel-Let’s talk about it International Facebook Group. Representing United Hatzalah  ​of Israel at the event were Regional Director Cari Margulis Immerman ​and volunteer EMT and ambucycle driver Gavy Friedson.
The event saw the presentation of awards to two Farber students – Cobi Smith and Jaden Jubas – from Southfield who participated in the NCSY Summer Rescue Program and of course a wonderful session of clips and dialogue with the cast and producer of Shtisel, the hit Israeli comedy about the life of an Ultra-Orthodox family.
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Farber students pose with the cast of Shtisel and their awards
The evening also gave members of the Detroit community the chance to support the organization by donating key lifesaving equipment including ambucycles, ambubikes – e-bikes, protective helmet sand vests, and defibrillators, to help our 6,000 volunteer medics save more lives.
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Joel Kahn M.D. spoke to the gathered crowd about the regular email updates that he receives detailing the work of the ambucycle which his family had dedicated in memory of his father.  Just the other week the ambucycle and rider reached a young toddler, who had fallen into a bucket of chemicals. The ambucycle’s EMT was on the scene within 90 seconds to save this young child’s life.
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Shtisel cast Talks to crowd
​Cari Margulis Immerman shared that “while all who came loved hearing from the cast of Shtisel the largest round of applause that night came after we showed the video produced by world-renowned social media star NAS daily, a Muslim Israeli.  It was exciting to watch the audience, many of whom have been long-time supporters of Israel, be informed and wowed as he shared of our innovative, fast, always free uber-like” EMS model that has Jews, Muslims, Arabs, men and women working side by side to help all in need. Besides acquainting so many with the good work of our volunteer medics in Israel, the evening was a great success as lifesaving equipment such as helmets and vests, defibrillators, and several rapid response vehicles were sponsored. “
To learn how you can get involved with United Hatzalah​ of Israel  please contact:  Cari ​Margulis Immerman at 216.544.3010 or [email protected]