In the town of Beit Dagan, on Tuesday, a 63-year-old man experienced a cardiac arrest a bit before midnight. Relatives called emergency services for help.
United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Levi Goodman was promptly alerted about the emergency and quickly drove to the scene, arriving first at the location in under three minutes. The first responder found the son of the patient attempting to perform chest compressions under the guidance of the dispatch center.
At the same time, three United Hatzalah volunteers, EMTs Nir Maatuf and Yuval Shlafman and physician Dr. Mohamad Yassin, were conducting an inspection of their medical equipment at the local branch’s volunteer hub when they received the emergency call. Without hesitation, the volunteers swiftly mounted their ambucycles, activating the lights and sirens as they rushed to the scene.
Within a few minutes, they arrived at the location where Goodman was already administering chest compressions to the stricken man.
The doctor took charge of the situation, coordinating the team’s efforts. They quickly attached a defibrillator, delivering two shocks while interspersing rounds of chest compressions and assisted ventilation, in an attempt to restore the man’s pulse. After approximately seven minutes, an intensive care ambulance arrived at the scene, providing additional support by intubating the patient and attaching a heart monitor.
Another shock was administered, successfully restoring the man’s pulse and breathing. Without delay, the patient was evacuated to Assaf HaRofeh Hospital for further medical treatment.
Reflecting on the incident, Shlafman, who is also the head of the local chapter of United Hatzalah, said, “To arrive at the scene swiftly and administer treatment in order to save a life is the essence of our role as United Hatzalah volunteers. It’s an incredible feeling and the ultimate reward for our daily efforts as first responders.”
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