In the northern Israeli city of Karmiel, EMT Arik Barel’s quiet midnight Torah study was interrupted by an urgent call. A woman just streets away had gone into labor.

Without hesitation, Barel mounted his ambucycle and sped through the empty streets, arriving first on scene. The building’s location posed a challenge—tucked away and accessible only via a narrow pathway, making it impossible for a regular ambulance to get close. However, the compact ambucycle proved perfect for the situation, allowing Barel to reach the building’s entrance with ease.

Inside the apartment, he found a 35-year-old woman in active labor, accompanied by her nervous husband. Barel quickly assessed the situation and realized there wouldn’t be time for hospital transport and he would need to deliver the baby.

Despite this being his first delivery, the EMT maintained remarkable composure. He calmly retrieved his birthing kit and guided the mother through the delivery process.

Within minutes, a healthy baby girl entered the world. Barel cut the umbilical cord, wrapped the newborn, and placed her in her mother’s arms. Both mother and child were in excellent condition when the local ambulance arrived ten minutes later to transport them to the hospital for routine follow-up care.

The grateful mother praised Barel’s calm and professional approach during the delivery. A few days later, at the family’s invitation, he visited them at home, where they captured a memorable photo of the EMT holding the newborn he had helped deliver.
